Thursday, September 23, 2010

Answers to Carl's Question

I received 3 answers to Carl Tannenbaum's question regarding the Shultis farm. They were all correct. I thought all of you might be interested to learn some history too. Here are the responses and what I know about them.

"The Shultis family is firmly grounded in Woodstock. Many years ago my father would contract with old Mr. Shultis to deliver firewood. Don't know anything of a current nature about them, but they were never located in Woodland Valley as far as I know."
- Boreegard - aka Mike O'Neil

Bo is correct in that there is a large Shultis family residing in Woodstock. I have met some of them. But apparently there was another Shultis family. Read on:

"According to our lawyer, the Shultis family had a big farm that covered the land where Schweitzer road (Chichester) is now. So the family was definitely up in Silver Hollow."
- Ricarda O'Conner

She is correct. I got the following from a member of the Simpson family.

"There was a Shultis farm in Chichester on the left-hand side of Rt 214 that began on the top of Sunshine Hill (blogmistress note: Sunshine hill is where 214 meets Silver Hollow Road) and ran a good distance. There was a boarding house, dance hall, cabins and a large pond where a lot of Phoenicia went skating in the winter. As it turns out Steve Shultis is my first cousin and the son of Herb Shultis, the last Shultis owner, and he lives in Poughkeepsie."
- Jay Simpson

So apparently there are 2 Shultis families. I don't know if they are related but it seems neither lived in Woodland Valley. This was great fun and interesting too! Thanks for the question Carl and also thanks to everyone who sent information!!!