Thursday, August 5, 2010

Possible Special Guest at the Geology Walk

Dan Davis sent me this message earlier today. I thought I would pass it on to any of you who plan to attend the geology walk/talk on Saturday.

"I just got confirmation that my friend Chuck Ver Straeten plans to join me on Saturday morning, barring any illness (he is a little under the weather at the moment).
Chuck is also known as Dr. Charles Ver Straeten – a geologist with the NYS Museum’s geological survey and world-known specialist on Devonian sedimentary geology. He is one of the experts on the rocks in our area. He was a colleague of Dr. Ingvar Isachson, the geologist who formulated the hypothesis of the Panther Mountain Crater. He is currently looking into some conglomerate rocks associated with Slide Mountain, so after the morning session we plan to explore the upper reaches of Woodland Creek looking for outcrops.

This is a real treat for me and I expect it will be for any who also attend.
I cannot guarantee Chuck will make it down from East Berne on Saturday but he currently plans to.

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday."

- Dan