Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eugene Ruffolo Releases Christmas CD!

WCA member Eugene Ruffolo sent me this message. He has a very cool new Christmas CD! Check it out and remember you can support local artists and give great gifts at the same time this holiday season.
- Carol

"I am excited to announce the release of my new Christmas Cd "Even Santa Gets The Blues"-recorded in Germany last summer on audiophile label Stockfisch Records.

The Cd is an interesting (at least to me) collection of Holiday classics, unknown gems, and a few of my own originals, and features Ian Melrose on guitar-Margaret Fiellin on vocals-and a host of other wonderful players.

I'm working hard to get it set up and available on Cdbaby ( and will let you know when its up and available for digital and hard copy purchases..

In the meantime--if you simply can't wait..or feel strongly that I should get ALL of the money, it can be purchased directly by sending a check for $20.00 to:

Cane Morte Music
c/o Eugene Ruffolo
92 Horatio Street #3G
N.Y. N.Y.

if you are anxious to start celebrating- email me ( with an adress- and I'll send it out even before the money arrives--because It's Christmas and I trust you...

It's a bit pricey in these hostile times--but this is a very high quality SACD audiophile recording , and was produced in Europe where the Euro proudly reigns!

Lastly--and against my better judgement--I'm offering this clip if you'd like a sneak preview.I know I'm a bit pastey--look like a Christian artist--and suck at lip synchng--AND am unacceptably corny--but hey--it's Christmas!!
(kinda makes you wanna take a peak-doesn't it?)"

- Eugene