Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The WV Hikers - Hike to Wittenberg

This just in from Paul Misko about the hike he led last Sunday.

Hike to Wittenberg:
"After the weather forecasts were evaluated, a wise decision was made to change the hike from Saturday to Sunday, which also gave the trail a day to dry out. Sunday provided more sun and less wind, but it was still quite chilly at times. Climbing a mountain is warm work, so the cool weather was welcomed on the way up. We started up the trail near the campsite, which quickly gets steep, and continues that way for quite a while. This rocky trail is difficult even on this dry day, and we still had plenty of muddy patches to skate around. We eventually came to the Terrace Mtn. junction, where we guzzled cups of hot tea and coffee and devoured fresh donuts, while historians Paul and Jay shared facts about the tanning industry, and the Simpson family. It was a real honor having a real live Simpson with us. With bellies and ears full, we began the last leg of the hike, which took us up the old carriage road. The way soon became much steeper, but with teamwork we overcame every obstacle that the mountain threw in our path. Though we could not see the summit, we could hear the wind whipping through the balsams. The occasional ray of sun felt warm and friendly. Finally near the top, hike leader Paul veered off to the side, down and around, until all were sure he was lost, then we suddenly popped out at "Bear Cave". Despite its name, it really isn't a cave, and there is no record of anyone seeing a bear in it. Typical Catskill nomenclature. This is a favorite hangout for porcupines, and some couples have even spent their honeymoon in it. After lunch, Paul brought out several old photos of folks at the cave, some from the 1890's! We then packed up, climbed up to the summit, took another long drought of view, and then began our descent. See any wildlife? Of course! We just missed a possible glimpse of a bear, then quite nearly came close to seeing a mountain lion, and I think someone almost stepped on a weasel. The hike was grand, and later received rave reviews."
- Paul Misko