Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Volunteer Needed

Once again this year we need a WCA member or members (we can split up the chores) to volunteer to get snacks for the July 11th annual meeting. You do not have to pay for the food we will reimburse you from the WCA funds. You just need to go and buy it, maybe cut up a few things (cheese, fruit and/or veggies). I have soda, seltzer and juice from the Menla potluck so you won't need to get the drinks. Brave Emma has the paper products (cups, plates etc.). We just need someone to get the pretzels, chips, cheese and crackers, maybe make a crudite or fresh fruit salad and get or make a cake. Anyone up for the task? Email me here at wvview@gmail.com or my personal email address (if you have it).

Carol Seitz - Your Blog Mistress