Here is another interesting post from WCA member Paul Misko. Thanks Paul!
Decided to take a hike last weekend, one that I've wanted to do for a while. It involved retracing the route taken by John Burroughs, and one which went went way up Woodland creek, then followed a ridge up to the col between Cornell Mtn. and Slide, and thence up to Slide's summit. The forecast was for full sun and temps into the mid 80's. We left about 10 a.m. and headed upstream and within an hour came to the proper ridge to follow. With the easy part out of the way, we now began the steep ascent. The sun and wind were both hot and finally reaching a stand of hemlocks brought welcomed shade. After 2500 ft. elevation began a series of small ledges that had to be out-manuvered , a task made more difficult by the ever increasing amount of snow and ice. The snow did provide a great way to cool off though, if only temporarily, and carrying a snowball made the cooling system portable. Reaching the top of the ridge brought us into full sun, and uncomfortable heat, but the snow and ice returned to the trail as we neared the final steep approach to the summit. Ice, rocks, and mud made up the trail for the next half hour, while the hot sun waited for us on the mountain top. An occasional breeze kept the black flies away. After a late lunch and chat with other hikers, we proceeded down the state trail toward Winnisook. This section too was packed with snow and ice for the first mile until we left the shady balsams behind and did the remainder in hot sun. A day of sunburn, near frostbite, wildflowers and bird songs of early spring. A day for all the senses to come alive.