Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Road Repair News

I am sure that everyone has noticed the damage to Woodland Valley road caused by the October 1st flood. The Shandaken Highway Department has been busy recently trying to correct those problems. I caught up with Highway Supervisor Eric Hofmeister to get an update and I wanted to pass that information along to the community.

The road down by Romer Mt Park, (the old ski slope, see photo above), has been fully repaired at this point and the guide rail is back in place.

Eric told me that they hope to finish the turn in front of Roxmor (see photo below) by the end of this week. That project had been originally scheduled for repair next year but because the flood made the problems at this site a lot worse, they had to deal with it sooner rather than later. In both of these cases the DEC does not allow work in the stream after September 30th except in the case of extreme flooding damage. Since that was what happened here, the agency allowed the repairs but the highway department is still operating in a limited time frame.

The curve in front of Ed Twerdak's house just before Fawn Hill is almost finished. All the rock is in place and now the VRSS (Vegetated Reinforced Slope Stabilization) has to be added. This basically means that the DEC will be doing a stabilization planting on top of the rock layer. After that the guide rail will be put in place. Eric told me that the guide rail will definitely be installed before winter. I was very happy to hear that!

So, that is all I know for now, I will keep you posted if anything else develops.