Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Road Crew On WV Road

The Shandaken Highway Department is working on repaving a couple of sections of Woodland Valley Road in the past couple of days. The road is being torn up and make ready for resurfacing from Roxmor to just before the Fawn Hill bridge and then again from just before Tonisgah Road to right before the Holz Farm (they may go up further tomorrow). These sections were originally scheduled for repair a few years ago but, when Hurricane Irene hit, the town's resources were directed at the urgent highway repairs needed throughout Shandaken. Now that the dust is settling from that situation, the regular road repairs are getting back on track. So be aware that there are road crews in the upper valley and that the road itself is loose stone and dirt. So DRIVE SLOWLY in these sections. And plan extra time to get in and out of the valley because while they are working they may narrow the traffic to one lane and/or stop it completely to let the crew do their work.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Woodland Valley House For Sale

Some WCA members are selling their house. WCA member Lynn Davidson asked me to put the info to the blog. Below is a brief description and some photos. Anyone looking to move to Woodland Valley should check it out. This great home could be yours! And the price has just been reduced to $299,000!!

Please contact Lynn Davidson at 688-7020 for more information.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Awesome Summer Party!

Saturday was a gorgeous day and a large part of the community came out for the annual Dershowitz summer party. As usual, Nat was a terrific and gracious host. I think it is the best crowd we have ever had for the event. There was lots of swimming, tennis playing, eating and general socializing. I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was a fantastic day. Thanks again Nat for your hospitality!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Phoenicia Festival Of The Voice 2013

Don't forget that the Phoenicia Festival of the Voice is coming up next weekend August 1st - 4th. As usual, they are planning an exciting schedule of entertainment and education. There are many varied performances scheduled as well as "Latte Lectures" to learn more about the music you will be hearing over the weekend. For information and tickets here is a hot link to their website. This is exciting event that I never miss. See you all there!!

PS - Here is a direct link to their calendar for easy access.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Town Tinker Tube Rental In NY Times Article

WCA member Harry Jameson got a mention for his business, The Town Tinker Tube Rental, in a NY Times article about upstate swimming holes. The piece (complete with video) was published yesterday and offered the Town Tinker as a more organized way to enjoy the river then trying to locate the local haunts. Here is a link to the piece if you would like to read it.

NY Times - Heading upstate in search of a watery Eden

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bunnies Found

I got a note just a little while ago from Ginger Strand, a new valley resident, about some rabbits she found in the neighborhood. Here is Ginger's message. Please contact her if they are your bunnies.

Ginger Strand here, could you post about a pair of lost bunnies I found, in case someone is looking for them?

I saw two bunnies by the side of Woodland Valley Road, terrified and clearly not wild bunnies.  They were very happy when I picked them up and put them in my car.  I think they were either abandoned or escaped.  If the latter, the owner should call me at 845-688-7241 or email me at and we can arrange for return!


Town Employee Arrested For Embezzlement

Although I cannot fill the void created by the absence of a town newspaper with this blog, once in a while there is a major story in town of which you all should be made aware. The latest news to come under that heading is the arrest of Florence Sullivan, the former Town of Shandaken highway department secretary. There are several felony charges pending against Ms Sullivan for allegedly embezzeling at least $20,000 from the town in the last seven years. There were 2 articles published in the Kingston Freeman about the arrest. You can follow the links below to those articles to get more details.

Shandaken Highway Department employee accused of embezzling more than $20,000

Shandaken Supervisor says highway employee's thefts went on for years

New Town Flood Maps

The preliminary new flood maps for the Town of Shandaken can be viewed through the parcel viewer available on the Ulster County website at the following link:

For ease of use follow these directions as the parcel viewer works best when focused on a concentrated area.
1) Click the link above
2) Click on all features on left side of screen except: “Civil Boundaries” and “Roads”
(This will help you get to your general area using the tools above the viewer.)
3) Click on “Tax Parcels” (This will help you focus on your property.)
4) Click on “Water Resources” and the “+” symbol
(This will provide a drop-down menu)
5) Click on “FEMA FIRM Areas 2013 Preliminary”
(This illustrates the preliminary 100 year flood plain.)
6) Click on “Aerial Photos” to illustrate the location of your structure in relation to the 100-yr flood plain.
7) You MAY Click “FEMA FIRM Areas Pre-2007″ to show the changes from previous mapping.
If you have any questions regarding FEMA Flood Mapping, do not hesitate to call the Town Building Department at 688-5008 *If you have trouble – try link below: 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tribute To A Cousin

Joe DeSarle wrote to me about a song that he composed and recorded last year. I will let Joe tell the story. Here is his letter.

Hello Everyone.
Some of you have heard the story behind my song "He Stopped By" which is based on a true story. Several years ago I was upstate in Woodland Valley and was planting in my garden which is up on a hill quite distant from my house. I heard a very distinctive sound of someone walking in back of me and I turned around several times and looked but on one was there. After planting I headed back to my house and Mary told me that we received the bad news that cousin Doug had passed away. Some time later I recounted the story to Doug's wife, Joanne, and she responded "He loved Woodland Valley so much that he even passed by on his way to heaven". I wrote the song over one year ago and now decided to make the video after receiving photos from Joanne and his sister, Mary Ann. Doug was a wonderful young man. who's life was cut short by esophageal cancer. Everyday is a gift so enjoy them fully.

Regards to all,

PS - Joe later told me that his cousin Doug had grown up in Woodland Valley in the vicinity of Joe's current home.

Resort Comment Period Closes July 24th

This is to remind everyone that all comments on the proposed Crossroads Ventures project at Belleayre are due by July 24th. Since the comment period will officially close tomorrow, if you have thoughts about the resort now is your last chance to express them. You can email you letters to:

Mr Daniel Whitehead

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dance Party To Benefit Phoenicia Library

On Friday, July 26th there will be a dance party at the Byrdcliffe Barn to benefit the library. Doors open @ 7pm. The first set is @ 8pm. For more details you can click on the link below.

  The Catskill 45s Dance Party

Friday, July 19, 2013

Shandaken Studio Art Tour

Don't forget that the Shandaken Art Studio Tour is this weekend. There are a lot of great artists on the tour including WCA member Joan Hall. Her work is great so stop by and visit her.

Joan Hall 
 (845) 688-9923   
(212) 243-6059  

55 Woodland Clove Rd.  Phoenicia

Here is the link for more information and a map.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Turtles Sightings In The Valley

Linda McDonald sent me this report about another turtle that she saw along Woodland Valley Road. Drive slowly and carefully when you are coming down Woodland Valley Road. You never know what animal may be happen upon. Here is what Linda had to say about the turtle.

Hi! Attached are 2 pictures and a guide book page, about a turtle I found & photographed today, just below Holtz's farm (if you were headed toward town). He, is a Wood Turtle and was kind of friendly, when I moved him out of the road, which he was trying to cross. Thought we'd call him "WOODY". Please be careful when you drive in that area and don't run him over. He is about 8 x 5 inches and has a brown shell with small pyramid shapes on his back and pretty reddish orange legs and tail. He is NOT a snapper and sort of hops up and down on his 4 legs to make you think he's a big man when frightened. After we talked awhile he calmed down and I took his photo. You can tell he's a boy by the depression in his bottom shell.  Linda

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rock Star Meadow

Many of you saw my post about the sculpture of Lorraine Della Pena by her husband, Nick, that mysteriously showed up in East Hampton about a month back. That piece was originally placed in "Rock Star Meadow" in Lake Hill. What exactly is "Rock Star Meadow" you might ask? Well, here is a link to a recent Chronogram piece on the property.

And here is a youtube video about it too.

This looks like a great place to check out!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Meeting 2013

The annual WCA summer meeting, which took place this past Saturday, July 13th, was a successful one. There were no major issues this year and so we reviewed the summer schedule, talked about some ongoing valley concerns and held elections. As you all know by now, the President and Treasurer spots were open this year. We had some wonderful community minded residents step forward and volunteer to fill those positions. So here is a list of newly elected WCA officers for the 2013 - 2014 season.

President - Michelle Keesee
Vice President - Peggy Neu
Treasurer - Jeffrey Schwartz
Secretary - Mike O'Neil (aka Boreegard)

Michelle is a past President of the WCA and I am sure she will do a great job again. Peggy Neu has been Vice President for the last few years and was willing to continue in that position. This is the first time Jeff Schwartz has held an office in the Association but I have every confidence that he will do a bang up job. Our awesome Secretary Mike O'Neil did not attend the meeting due to illness but we nominated and voted for him in absentia. He has been doing a great job for many years so we thought he would be willing to continue. Of course, if he starts feeling more peppy and gives me the what for we will have to go looking for a replacement.

The Association also voted on the Board Members, who in addition to the officers will be:

Madeleine Piel
Peter Occolowitz
Pip Merrick

There will be a soft transition over the next few weeks from Marcy and I to Michelle and Jeff.  WCA members will continue receiving emails from me, until I can get the email account and the other paperwork switched over to your new President. Even though I am no longer President I will continue to keep this blog.

For those of you who did not attend the meeting I would like to say thank you for allowing me to serve you these past 6 years. It has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. It has brought me into this community in a way that I never imagined. And I am blessed to be able to call so many of you friend. So thank you again, and best of luck to everyone in their new positions.

- Carol Seitz
   July 14, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Roxmor In The 50's

Recently, I received a message from a woman who had some old family photos that she wanted to research. She thought that they might be from Roxmor. So she sent them to me hoping I would post them to the blog and someone would recognize something or someone in the photos and give her some more information. Here is her original messaged (see photos at the bottom of this post).

"Here are some pictures that I'm all but certain are from the Roxmor. Most of my family is in them! They always talked about the Roxmor and how much fun they had there. Since I grew up hearing about it so much I began searching about it but I always added an "e" at the end and could never find anything! Then last night my cousin called me and told me how to spell it properly and that's how I found your blog. My cousin Lenny is easily seen in one of the pictures - he's the young man with the deer in the headlights look at the table."

When I first saw them I recognized the Roxmor Inn (Clubhouse) right away.  I sent them off to a couple Roxmor Colony stalwarts and got this message in return.

"These photos have to be from the Castanios & Anieas era (early 50's?).
They were one of the (6 - I believe) operators between the Miller era and the Colony reacquiring the Inn. It was a group from Spain.
Only one I think I recognize is a relatively youthful Paul Miller, my predecessor - in the first of the last two photos.  Seated in back on the right."

If anyone has any more information please send it to me and I will post it on the blog.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WCA Annual Summer Meeting

This is just a reminder that the Annual WCA Summer Meeting is this Saturday, July 13th at 4pm in the Roxmor Clubhouse. This is our only official meeting of the year. So please try to attend. Snacks will be served.

Ricarda O'Conner Workshop - Sunday July 14th

Cardi O'Conner is once again giving her Meditation, Intention and The Zero Point Field Workshop in Woodstock this Sunday. Below is a message from Ricarda with the details.

Dear Friends,


Sunday, July 14th @ 2:00 - 3:30 pm     

This workshop is designed to tune-up your conscious awareness, help you tap into your most vital joyful power, and boost your ability to transform every area of your life. Although the workshop has a basic structure it is different each time, reflecting the unique energy and intention of the participants. 

Date: Sunday, July 13th
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Place: Woodstock Yoga, 6 Deming Street, Woodstock, NY (downstairs from the Sage Center space)
Cost: Only $20

To save your space, register by simply calling or emailing:  845-679-5650  Or just drop in!

Looking Forward to Seeing You,


Here is a brief description of the workshop:

 Tuning Up Your Frequencies 

In their search for what powers the universe, quantum physicists have discovered what they call the Zero Point Field---a state of timelessness and possibility where anything can change or happen. A state of Grace.
Some of these scientists have proven that human consciousness interacts constantly with the Zero Point Field, and that mindful intention really does influence what happens to us, to our loved ones, and to the world around us.
We all have the ability to create transformation. The question is, how can we access that ability with ease and accuracy?
In Meditation, Intention and The Zero Point Field, Ricarda takes you on a lively exploration of consciousness and intention: how to set it, release it, and hold space for it to manifest. You’ll learn how to drop down and tune in, helping you focus your unique frequencies and increasing your potential to create positive change.
The workshop is two hours long. A background in meditation or prayer is helpful but not necessary. Anyone can benefit. Everyone is welcome. Bring water and an open mind. That’s really all you need.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Artwork By Brownie Gillespie

WCA member and artist Brownie Gillespie sent me this message regarding some work of his that is currently on exhibit. Here is what he had to say.

"I have a piece currently on view at the New Britain Museum of American Art in New Britain, CT. It will be up through the 25th of July and hopefully again some time in the future. It's titled "Milky Way" (53 x 55) and is acrylic on canvas with custom programmed LED lights that change over time to affect the colors of the paint. The time element is crucial as the painting is never static. I've attached four images of it at different tomes in the cycle.

I was hoping to do something with light in the hay door window of the barn for the fourth but realized it is not easily accessible to see with the leaves this time of year. Stay tuned this fall. And also later this summer there may be a special night time surprise on Hawley Botchford's Weather Underground web cam. I'll keep you posted."

Anyone who finds themselves in that neck of the woods should check it out and if Brownie does something here in the valley I will let you all know so you can keep an eye out for it. Thanks for keeping us posted, Brownie.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

New Phoenicia Video

There is a new Phoenicia video posted on Facebook that is pretty cool. I am not sure if those of you who don't have FB can view this or not but here is the link. Viva Phoenicia!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Shandaken Art Tour 2013

This is just a reminder that the Shandaken Art Studio Tour is coming up on July 20-21. It is from 11am - 5pm both days. For more information you can check out See you on the tour!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ukulele Lessons At The Library

Phoenicia Ukulele Events for Summer 2013

Are you crazy about ukuleles?
Phoenicia is embracing this one of a kind instrument this summer

Introducing the:

Catskill Ukulele Group Lessons at the Phoenicia Library
The Catskill Ukulele Group will be hosting lessons at the Phoenicia Library on Saturday, July 6th and Saturday August 3rd from 10:30 am to noon.

Don't fret if you are a beginner. You will leave the lessons knowing how to play at least one song!

Families and children of all ages are welcome to attend these FREE lessons.

Donated ukuleles from the Killian Mansfield Collection will be available in July to check out with your library card!