WCA member Lorraine Dellapenna sent me a link to a cool video of a fox family that lives behind her house. They are such beautiful creatures and we have all been seeing more and more of them around the valley in the last couple of years.
CAUTION: In viewing the video, if you are squeamish about the food chain I would advise you not to watch. They have obviously killed something (maybe a squirrel) and are passing it around in the beginning of the piece. It isn't really gorey but might be upsetting to some.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Camp Lofawyl For Sale By Owners
WCA members Linda and Bob McDonald have decided to sell their house in The Woodland Park Association. She sent me this description with some photos. It is a lovely cabin that would make a nice home for someone. Anyone who is interested should contact Linda directly. Here is the info:
Hello, just wanted to give you a bit of a history on Camp Lofawyl, our beloved cabin. It was built in the Spring of 1913 and occupied that summer by my Grandfather & Grandmother James & Lillian MacDonald. The house has always been well maintained. It has lovely leaded glass windows down stair. It has been insulated and has storm windows through out. Down stairs has knotty cherry paneling from the 1950. The kitchen was remodeled in 2005, as was the Bathroom. In 2008 a 10 x 19 foot addition was added to the left side of the down stairs (in keeping with the style of the house) to enlarge the dinning room and add some computer space to the living room. 2010 saw a new roof on the house to match the addition (which is now all architectural shingles).
The house is fully furnished and recently carpeted through out, except for the kitchen & bath. (I will just be taking a few family items and books and pictures) All the furniture is in move in condition and the mattresses are only a few summers old.
The kitchen, up dated in 2005, has nice cabinetry and new counter tops & stainless sink. The stove is gas and has a heater in the side, frost free refrigerator & small microwave are all included. There is a small storm window and screen enclosed back porch off the kitchen.
The bathroom has been updated with new fixtures & cabinets in 2005
There are 3 bedroom, the master has a king size bed, chest of draws, standing wardrobe and built in dresser. Second bedroom has a double bed, chest of draws, nite stand & small built in wardrobe. Third is a twin bed (it has had a double, but is a bit cramped, trundle would be the nicest), nite stand and 2 built in dresser.
The water for the house is from a very dependable spring at the back of the yard with a reservoir and pumped into the house by a new pump, put in in 2011, which is housed in a shed at the back of the house with a holding tank and the water heater.
The stove, water heater, cloths dryer and hanging wall furnace are all run on propane gas and very efficient.
There is a garden shed and a 1 car garage with electric door opener. The garage has a small work area on the main floor with the washer, dryer and a utility sink. The second floor has a larger work shop and plenty of space for storage that is insulated and a sealed room, that could be converted to a 4th bedroom easily.
As Rob told you, we have some health issues that we are dealing with and would like to move into an all inclusive Retirement & extended health care community and we need to do it before we cannot pass their entrance physical.
So, if you or anyone you know would like Camp Lofawyl ( Loaf-a-while
) please contact me at 904-724-5165 before June 23rd or 845-688-7803 after that date.
- Linda
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
DEIS Review Continues
The ongoing discussion about the building of the Belleayre Resort comes to another critical juncture tomorrow. There will be two sessions of public comment allowed. Those of you who have comments should attend the sessions tomorrow or write to the DEC and the Governor at the addresses below.
The NYS-DEC is required to count every public comment!
DEIS Public Hearing* on the Belleayre Resort:
First Session: 3:00 p.m.
Second Session: 6:00 pm
Belleayre Mountain Ski Center Discovery Lodge. Rte #28
* Info Session May 22, 2013, at 7 p.m.
The DEIS Public Review process deadline for comments is June 24.
Your opinion is important!!
Website of DEIS documents:
Email/write to :
NYS-DEC Reviewer:
Daniel Whitehead,
Region 3 Environmental Permit Administrator
21 South Putt Corners Road
New Paltz, NY 12561
Cc: NY GOV. Cuomo
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Email/write to :
NYS-DEC Reviewer:
Daniel Whitehead,
Region 3 Environmental Permit Administrator
21 South Putt Corners Road
New Paltz, NY 12561
Cc: NY GOV. Cuomo
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Love Those Feisty Little Trout
The semi-annual trout stocking of the Woodland Valley stream went very well yesterday. Despite the cold (and I do mean cold) temperatures of the past few days, the weather was gorgeous. Still a bit chilly but nowhere near as bad as the days before. Actually, given the rigors of our task it was the perfect day. All 360 of the heathy brown trout were safely inserted into their new home. And big fun was had by all who helped.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Catching Up
In the last few weeks I have been swamped with work and falling behind with my blogging. I do the best I can but sometimes things just don't get posted in a timely fashion. I can pre-schedule posts if I am going to be busy but the things that come in after I set that up just have to wait until I get another chance. Sorry about that folks, but a girl has got to work.
Anyway, today, on this cold (temps in the 40's, with last night going into the 30's....brrrrrr....but I digress) and rainy day I am once again playing catch up. I have posted several things in a row so be sure that you scroll down so you don't miss anything,
Things should get back to normal soon and I will be able to blog more regularly again. At least I hope so.
PS - For all you folks who read this blog for the weather, my friends in Tannersville said that it snowed up there last night!! It didn't stick but snow in May is just wrong!
Anyway, today, on this cold (temps in the 40's, with last night going into the 30's....brrrrrr....but I digress) and rainy day I am once again playing catch up. I have posted several things in a row so be sure that you scroll down so you don't miss anything,
Things should get back to normal soon and I will be able to blog more regularly again. At least I hope so.
PS - For all you folks who read this blog for the weather, my friends in Tannersville said that it snowed up there last night!! It didn't stick but snow in May is just wrong!
WV Hikers - Wildflower Hike Report
Paul Misko sent this report about the Woodland Valley hikers "Wildflower Hike" last Saturday. Here is what Paul had to say.

"It was a perfect day for a photo hike, with the hazy filtered sunlight, and barely a breeze. Perfect for grabbing some flower photos. There were a lot of downed trees from recent storms to climb over and around, as we visited each patch of blossoms along the way, much like a swarm of bees would do. Along the way we found a deer antler, and someone almost thought they may have possibly heard a bear, but it proved to be inconclusive. Several tips were shared, such as using a small magnifying glass in front of the camera lens to give you more macro capabilities. We eventually returned to civilization without losing a single hiker."
- Paul Misko

Rick Altman Trio At Harmony May 26th
Rick Altman will be doing a gig at Harmony in Woodstock tomorrow with special guest Steve Raleigh. You don't have to get up Monday for work so now is the time to catch Rick's show. Here is the message he sent to me with the details.
Long weekend coming up, make it memorable! Listen to great jazz on Sunday, sleep late on Monday. Bring your out-of-town guests and support live music in Woodstock. See you there...
The Rick Altman Trio
with Mike Ralff & Jody Sumber
*and special guest, guitarist Steve Raleigh*
An evening of jazz classics and original compositions
with vibes, bass, and drums
Sunday, May 26, 2013
7:30 to 11 p.m.
52 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock, NY (845) 679-3484
Phoenicia Library Needs Plants
The annual library fair and plant sale is two weeks from today. If anyone has plants that they can donate please call Marvella at the phone number below.
Phoenicia Library Plant Sale
Attention all gardeners! Its time to dig, divide and DONATE!
We’re interested in annuals, perennials, shrubs, herbs and houseplants to sell at our annual library fair on Saturday, June 8th from 10-3.
If you need help digging or need containers, please call Marvella @ 845-688-5407
You can bring your plant donations to the library on Friday, June 7 or early in the morning on Saturday, June 8 in front of Mama’s Boy Market on Church Street, Phoenicia.
Please label your plants if you can.
Attention all gardeners! Its time to dig, divide and DONATE!
We’re interested in annuals, perennials, shrubs, herbs and houseplants to sell at our annual library fair on Saturday, June 8th from 10-3.
If you need help digging or need containers, please call Marvella @ 845-688-5407
You can bring your plant donations to the library on Friday, June 7 or early in the morning on Saturday, June 8 in front of Mama’s Boy Market on Church Street, Phoenicia.
Please label your plants if you can.
Phoenicia Library, 9 Ava Maria Avenue, Phoenicia NY 12464
Friday, May 24, 2013
Poetry From Boreegard
I am a bit behind in my posting again. I meant to put this up yesterday but just didn't have the chance. I have posted it before but I think it is great and warrants another reading. Be sure to check back tomorrow. I will be posting a bunch of things I didn't have time to put up tonight. But for now here are Boreegard's (aka Mike O'Neil) musings on the stream.
The Brook on May 23
At the evening’s last pool,
Two bats swoop in tandem and strafe the water,
As I send my line upstream, searching for trout.
The Grandparents’ Pool, where once we laved
Their old anglers ashes,
First he in his year of death,
Then she in her’s.
I think of reincarnation, and worry,
That the reincarnate might bite,
On my Dark Cahill’s barb.
One last cast, times three,
Then, up through dark childhood woods,
Stumbling home,
Troutless, breathless, content.
The Brook on May 23
At the evening’s last pool,
Two bats swoop in tandem and strafe the water,
As I send my line upstream, searching for trout.
The Grandparents’ Pool, where once we laved
Their old anglers ashes,
First he in his year of death,
Then she in her’s.
I think of reincarnation, and worry,
That the reincarnate might bite,
On my Dark Cahill’s barb.
One last cast, times three,
Then, up through dark childhood woods,
Stumbling home,
Troutless, breathless, content.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Ramp It Up
I went ramping (picking wild leeks) last week and got a nice bunch. Looks like there is a potato leek soup in my future. Keep your eyes open when you are in the woods. This is the time of the year to find them. Remember when you are picking them (or any wild food or flower) not to take the whole patch. Leave some so that they can replenish themselves for next year.
Monday, May 20, 2013
ESRM Needs Volunteers
WCA members Dakin and Doris Morehouse, who spearhead the efforts to preserve the Empire State Railway Museum (Dakin is President), sent me a message to post here on the blog regarding volunteers. If any of you have some time and want to be involved please contact Doris. Here is what she had to say:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! the Empire State Railway Museum needs docents on Lower High Street, in Phoenicia. The museum is open weekends and holidays from 11 to 4, beginning Memorial Day weekend. We are casual and you would learn quickly about the history of the station and the area and photos on the walls etc. I am there and need a second person to help at the gift shop and/or just talk with the visitors.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! the Empire State Railway Museum needs docents on Lower High Street, in Phoenicia. The museum is open weekends and holidays from 11 to 4, beginning Memorial Day weekend. We are casual and you would learn quickly about the history of the station and the area and photos on the walls etc. I am there and need a second person to help at the gift shop and/or just talk with the visitors.
You are welcome to volunteer as few or as many days as you can. The Mini train will be running mid day on the property and the CMRR train ride is just a mile east on #28.
Please consider donating some time with us. No experience necessary; only interest in helping preserve our beautiful station and the history of our area.
Call me and we can talk more about it.
688-5773 (home)
Railway Museum,
WCA Members
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Violet Snow - Writing About Your Ancestors
Those of you who are going on one of the June weed walks with Violet Snow may be interested in another project Violet is working on, which is writing about her ancestors. She will be giving a 2-part reading at the Phoenicia Library. Here are the details.
Date: June 22 and June 29, 2013
Time: 3 to 5
Location: Phoenicia Library, 9 Ava Maria, Phoenicia NY 12464
Writing About Your Ancestors
Local author Violet Snow will present a 2-part reading and writing workshop at the Phoenicia Library entitled Writing About Your Ancestors. Participants will learn about genealogy, writing family history, and connecting with their ancestors. Come on Saturday, June 22nd from 3-5 PM for the first part of the program where Violet will read from her book-in-progress on her civil war ancestors, with writing exercise to follow– FREE. The second part of the program is on Saturday, June 29 from 3-5 PM for those who wish to dig deeper into their family history and genealogy -- $10 (Sliding fee available). For more information, call Violet at 845- 688-1339 or the Phoenicia Library at 845-688-7811
Pre-Stocking Report
Mike O'Neil sent me this link to Patrick Sullivan's pre-stocking report on the Woodland Valley creek. For those of you who don't know there is a small group of dedicated volunteers who stock the creek twice a year. They do the stocking at the end of May and the beginning of July. Here a link to Patrick's report on the current pre-stocking conditions.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wildflower Hike Rescheduled To This Saturday
The Woodland Valley Hikers outing that was cancelled last week due to weather has been rescheduled for this Saturday. If you are interested in joining the hike please email Paul Misko directly at the address below.
Saturday, May 18th:10:30-3:30. Wildflower and Photography hike. This is the hike rescheduled from last week. Moderate 3 mile hike near the head of the valley. NO DOGS PLEASE. Space limited so you must register for meeting place and more details at woodvalleybear@gmail.com . Paul Misko
Philippe Petit Book Signing In Phoenicia
Philippe Petit (“Man on Wire”) Knot-tying and Book signing
Saturday, May 25th, 2pm
Methodist Church Hall, 25 Church Street, Phoenicia
Saturday, May 25th, 2pm
Methodist Church Hall, 25 Church Street, Phoenicia
Petit will sign copies of his new book
Why Knot? How to Tie More Than Sixty ingenious, Useful, Beautiful, Lifesaving, and Secure Knots
which will be available for purchase at the event
Each guest will receive a red cord and instruction on how to tie some of Petit's favorite knots.
Why Knot? How to Tie More Than Sixty ingenious, Useful, Beautiful, Lifesaving, and Secure Knots
which will be available for purchase at the event
Each guest will receive a red cord and instruction on how to tie some of Petit's favorite knots.
Philippe Petit, universal poet laureate of the high wire, accomplished what may be the most astounding “artistic crime” of all time. He walked a high wire illegally stretched between the rooftops of the Twin Towers of the World Center. Philippe’s book, To Reach The Clouds (Man On Wire in paperback), recounts that adventure and is the basis of the 2009 Academy Award-wining documentary film, Man On Wire.
Daily Freeman article: http://www.dailyfreeman.com/articles/2013/05/12/news/doc518ef92b3072d130380388.txt
For more information on our $200,000 campaign for Library Re-Build, go to our special website www.phoenicialibraryfund.com
Questions or more information, stop by the library or call: 845-688-7811
Cliff Eberhardt At The ESRM
Flying Cat Music Presents
Cliff Eberhardt in Concert
Saturday, May 18, 2013
7:30 p.m. (sharp), Door at 7:00
Empire State Railway Museum70 Lower High Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464
Admission is $20 or $17 w/RSVP
to flyingcatmusic@gmail.com
For information email as above
or call 845-688-9453
Link to artist’s website:
Cliff Eberhardt in Concert
Saturday, May 18, 2013
7:30 p.m. (sharp), Door at 7:00
Empire State Railway Museum70 Lower High Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464
Admission is $20 or $17 w/RSVP
to flyingcatmusic@gmail.com
For information email as above
or call 845-688-9453
Link to artist’s website:
Flying Cat Music is proud to present Red House Records recording artist Cliff Eberhardt in concert. He will be performing at the Empire State Railway Museum on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $17 advance or $20 at the door. For information and reservations email flyingcatmusic@gmail.com or call 845-688-9453. The museum is located at 70 Lower High Street in Phoenicia, New York.
Cliff Eberhardt has been described as both a songwriter’s songwriter, and the missing link between Cole Porter and Paul McCartney. His songs elicit strong emotions with tightly crafted lyrics and melodies that instantly feel classic, but it’s Cliff’s signature soulful performance that sparks them each to critical mass. “Eberhardt sings with passion and with wit,” notes the New York Post, and Sing Out magazine singles out Cliff Eberhardt’s “palpable intimacy and passion” while calling him “an outstanding writer.” With a gravelly voice richly steeped in feelings Eberhardt unfailingly sings his heart out, whether on a fragile love ballad, a simmering blues smoker, or a wry snippet of everyday commentary.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Joe De Sarle At The Landmark Grille
WCA Member Joe DeSarle sent me this message to share.
"Spring is finally here and I hope you are enjoying it. I will be singing 50's Rock and Roll Classics (If I only had a big head of hair) at The Landmark Grille on May 25th."
- Joe
So get yourselves to The Landmark Grille and check out the fabulous vocal stylings of one of Woodland Valley's finest.
4072 Rt. 28Boiceville, NY845-657-22408:00 P.M.Saturday, 5/25 – JOE D *50′S ROCK N ROLL NIGHT*Joe will bring all of your favorite rock ‘n’ roll oldies and sing his heart out. His velvet voice and fun-loving energy will keep you dancing & singing all night long
Monday, May 13, 2013
Brigitte Engler In New LA Art Show
Artist and WCA member Brigitte Engler has work in a show in Los Angeles that opened over this past weekend. Anyone who finds themselves in LA should try and check it out. Here are the details:
Brigitte Engler: Nature artificielle, artifice naturel
Flora Kao: Vestigial
Ignacio Perez Meruane: 6 Dislocations
Aili Schmeltz: Portal
Brigitte Engler: Nature artificielle, artifice naturel
Flora Kao: Vestigial
Ignacio Perez Meruane: 6 Dislocations
Aili Schmeltz: Portal
May 11 – June 1, 2013
Reception: Saturday, May 11, 8 – 11 PM
Location: 3006 W 7th St #220 Los Angeles CA 90005
Exhibition Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 12 noon – 6 PM
Location: 3006 W 7th St #220 Los Angeles CA 90005
Exhibition Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 12 noon – 6 PM
Brigitte Engler: Nature artificielle, artifice naturel
In Paris in the 1930’s, Brassaï photographed the graffiti carved on the old crumbling walls of the city, finding in this primordial instinct to leave a mark, not so much the impulse to destroy, but the same drive that has motivated others to build pyramids and cathedrals. Bringing the same awareness to our surroundings, Brigitte Engler traces this impulse to create that is evidenced in the vernacular. Her works on paper commemorate the ephemeral and the anonymous graphology situated in the man-made (sidewalk graffiti) and the uncanny pictographs discovered in the ready-made sourced and processed from nature (plywood).
Through mechanical motion of rubbing ink on paper and intentional misprinting of facsimiles, Engler captures a state of reverie with the found. Her sidewalk imprints made by direct contact with the surface of etched concrete illuminate like manuscripts for and of the people. Simultaneously, an oversized wood grain "figure maple" pattern reverberates across the plane with varying degrees of its own likeness, echoing a system of fallible reproducibility and indivisible simulacrum.
Brigitte Engler has called New York City her home since 1980 when she moved from Paris to study at the Whitney ISP. She has shown her work in New York, Paris, Los Angeles, Munich, and Italy. This year she participated in the French-American cultural event "Ceci n'est pas…" with a one-person exhibition at PØST in Los Angeles. This month, she will present her sidewalk imprints at Bullet Space in Memphis as part of "Memphis Social" and a one-person exhibition in Brittany, France in 2014. Her plywood prints were published in Pataphysics magazine with a text by Sylvère Lotringer. She is currently a guest writer for the Huffington Post. This is Brigitte Engler's first show at Commonwealth & Council.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day
Doris (photos) and Dakin (poetry) Morehouse have collaborated on a Mother's Day message to everyone. We hope all the Woodland Valley mothers (and mothers everywhere) enjoy their special day!!
PS - This lovely magnolia lives by the Empire State Railway Museum and has survived several floods.
PPS - Dakin asked me to send his thanks out to everyone for the wonderful birthday greetings.
PS - This lovely magnolia lives by the Empire State Railway Museum and has survived several floods.
PPS - Dakin asked me to send his thanks out to everyone for the wonderful birthday greetings.
A Day for Mother?
Dakin Morehouse, 2010
~ ~ ~
Hmm … a day. Yes a single day set aside … for Mother?
Seems rather meager to say the least …
And is it for the dear, patient Mother who bore and raised me?
Or the lady whom I made a Mother, and who raised our children?
And is it not for our dear Daughter who in turn made her a GrandMother?
Then there is that expanding web of our Ancestral Mothers tracing back forever,
Who’s lives were incomprehensibly harder than ours, and whom,
Were it not for their tenacity and commitment to our linage,
None of us would be writing … or reading these words of honor.
And then again, were it not for the Greatest Mother of all …
Our much maligned and too oft taken for granted Mother Earth,
Life itself may not even have arisen.
In the light of this awesome perspective,
I recall my Father’s words about the God, and reverence;
‘An hour each Sunday is precious little to contemplate and revere
the Great Spirit … who gave you a lifetime.’
So to all our revered Mothers, we honor you with every living moment,
And in particular on this special Mother’s Day, we wish to affirm once again,
Our sincerest “Thank you” … and that “We love you dearly, Mother.”
~ ~ ~
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Ed O's Reports About Fishing WV Creek
There was a recent post online about fishing the Woodland Valley Creek that I thought you would all enjoy. This stream holds many memories for people. It was great to read one man's experience and to remember the great writer and seasonal WV resident Paul O'Neil.
Mama's Boy Bake-Off Today
Don't forget the Mama's Boy bake-off to benefit the library is today. Here are the details again.
Come to the Mama's Boy Bake-Off
Saturday, May 11th at 1pm
to Benefit the Phoenicia Library
to Benefit the Phoenicia Library
at Mama's Boy Market
7 Church Street, Phoenicia
Your cakes, pies, cupcakes and cookies
Will go to paying for books, kids programming, and more ...
Will go to paying for books, kids programming, and more ...
for the community
Can't bake worth a darn? That's OK, come to the Bake-Off Auction after the judging. Get something for Mom for Mother's Day
(the next day)!
Bake-Off Rules:
(the next day)!
Bake-Off Rules:
1. Sign up at the library or Mama's Boy. $10 entry fee
2. Bring your treat at 9 AM to Mama's Boy
3. Please put on disposable plate, include a list of ingredients.
4. Come back at 1 PM and watch our 3 community judges
pick the best !
3. Please put on disposable plate, include a list of ingredients.
4. Come back at 1 PM and watch our 3 community judges
pick the best !
Elizabeth Potter
Director, Phoenicia Library
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Happy 75th Birthday to Dakin Morehouse!
I would just like to take this opportunity to wish the fabulous and talented Dakin Morehouse a very Happy Birthday!! Those of you who know Dakin (and those of you who wish they did! LOL) will join me in sending him a big cyber hug on this auspicious occasion!! So have a great day, Dakin and here's to many, many more!!
Another Great Short Edited By Max Nova
WCA member Max Nova and his company Shellac have produced a new short for the Tribeca Film Festival Artist Awards. Here is what Max had to say about it.
We are pleased to announce our exclusive short for the Tribeca Film Festival 2013 Artist Awards has just debuted online!
Funny & inspiring, the film features five of the Awards artists – Robert Longo, Dustin Yellin, Joyce Pensato, Erik Parker, and Curtis Kulig – who let us into their studios and their quirky creative process. This film festival is unique: instead of the usual statuettes and plaques, winners at Tribeca receive original works of art by world-renowned New York City artists.
Directed by Matt Black, shot by Shane Sigler, and edited by yours truly, this project is in many ways an extension of our Reflections series for Nowness. Stay tuned for our next two episodes featuring Robert Longo, in depth, and Gary Simmons.
118 Mercer St #1 NY NY 10012
T + 1 212.680.0154 • C + 1 917.355.6459
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Wildflower Hike: Saturday May 11th
Paul Misko, leader of the Woodland Valley Hikers group, just sent me this email regarding a hike he is planning for this weekend. Anyone who would like to join the group itself or this particular hike should CONTACT PAUL DIRECTLY AT THE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW. This will be a great way to get outside and enjoy the gorgeous weather we are having!
Wildflower Hike: Saturday May 11th. 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Join the Woodland Valley Hikers for a wildflower hike. Lets take a walk and see Spring's new flowers, as we seek out as many varieties as we can and photograph them. I'll share some local history, as we all share photography tips, and if we trip over a sleeping bear, we'll share tips on running for our lives. The hike will be at near the head of Woodland Valley, and will be about 3 miles long. It will be a moderate level hike. NO DOGS PLEASE. Meeting place and further details to be given upon registration at woodvalleybear@gmail.com .
Paul Misko
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Shandaken Youth Fish Frenzy
The Town of Shandaken will be hosting the Shandaken Youth Fish Frenzy on Saturday, May 25th 2013. This is a free event for Shandaken Kids 15 and Under. Sign your child up now for free fishing gear and lessons in Phoenicia. Open to beginners and experts alike.
10AM - Learn or Practice Casting Technique - Parish Field
12PM - Streamside BBQ Lunch
1PM - Fish All Afternoon With Guides
4PM - Keep The Fishing Gear
Cool T-Shirts for All Participants
Town of Shandaken
7209 Route 28
PO Box 134
Shandaken, NY
Shandaken Programs,
Town Programs
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
May's Promise
What a gorgeous day it was today in the valley. I am posting this poem from WCA member Dakin Morehouse to celebrate the first day of May. Enjoy!
By Dakin Morehouse
~ ~ ~ ~
‘Tis the merry merry month of May
When Mother Nature seems to stretch and say;
“Tis time for you little blossoms one and all
To open up and stand real tall.”
For once again, as in all the years
She rousts Jack Frost as warm weather nears,
Coddling and coaxing each sleepy flower
To aromatically blaze forth in pattern and color.
“Tis time for my every living thing
To waken to the dance of spring.
Each seed must sprout from whence its fallen,
For my Bees need nectar to trade for pollen.
My fledglings, cubs and kits and fawn
Each join the dance to celebrate the dawn
Of yet another fine summer to grow and play
Beginning with this month of May.”
How ‘mayday’ got it’s ominous call
I can't imagine, for to one and all,
On May Day the wonders just commence
With birthdays memories, love and romance.
So join together one and all!
Hear our Mother Nature's annual call
To celebrate the coming of Spring,
Another year - to dance and sing.
~ ~ ~
By Dakin Morehouse
~ ~ ~ ~
‘Tis the merry merry month of May
When Mother Nature seems to stretch and say;
“Tis time for you little blossoms one and all
To open up and stand real tall.”
For once again, as in all the years
She rousts Jack Frost as warm weather nears,
Coddling and coaxing each sleepy flower
To aromatically blaze forth in pattern and color.
“Tis time for my every living thing
To waken to the dance of spring.
Each seed must sprout from whence its fallen,
For my Bees need nectar to trade for pollen.
My fledglings, cubs and kits and fawn
Each join the dance to celebrate the dawn
Of yet another fine summer to grow and play
Beginning with this month of May.”
How ‘mayday’ got it’s ominous call
I can't imagine, for to one and all,
On May Day the wonders just commence
With birthdays memories, love and romance.
So join together one and all!
Hear our Mother Nature's annual call
To celebrate the coming of Spring,
Another year - to dance and sing.
~ ~ ~