Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eugene Ruffolo Performs in Phoenicia

Wow folks, looks there is going to be a lot of great music around this weekend! Woodland Valley's own Eugene Ruffolo is going to perform right here in Phoenicia on Friday. I just got this message from him. Come fight off the after holiday blues!!


Special Show with Two Acts!!!
Phoenicia Phirst Phriday--Jan. 2
Eugene Ruffolo with Margaret Fiellin
and special guests
Beaucoup Blue
direct from a New Year's Eve gig at the Caffé Lena
Doors open at 7:00 pm, music at 7:30
A $3 donation is requested
Coffee, teas, and desserts are available
Proceeds benefit the John Herald Fund

The event is held at the Arts Upstairs Gallery
60 Main Street, Phoenicia

For info call 845-688-9453

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Rick Altman Trio In Concert

This was sent to me by WCA member Rick Altman. Try to catch the show if you can!

The Rick Altman Trio

Mike Ralff, Jody Sumber,
Rick Altman

with special guest appearance by Miriam Rose on the violin

An evening of jazz standards and originals with bass, drums and vibes
muddy cup coffee House
Sunday, January 4th, 2009
7:00 -9:00 PM
65 Partition St. Saugerties,NY
845 246-5775

Joyous Kwansaa

Sorry this is going up a little later than I had planned but with the holidays everything just started to get away from me. Anyway, I wanted to wish all those in Woodland Valley who celebrate Kwanzaa a happy holiday! Kwanzaa runs from December 26 through January 1 and is an African American and Pan-African holiday. It is a celebration of family, community and culture based on the principles of unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith. It is celebrated by millions of people worldwide. Happy Kwanzaa to all!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last Night of Hanukkah

To celebrate the last night of Hanukkah here is another great drawing from junior WCA member Miriam Rose. Thanks to Miriam for capturing the spirit of the holiday and letting me post it to our blog. Shalom to all!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Melting Away

We have gotten a lot of rain and warmer temps here in the valley for the last few days. The 18 inches of snow that fell last weekend has been significantly reduced. Woodland Valley Road is clear but a lot of the steeper driveways (including mine) have been icy and impossible to navigate. Today with the temps were in the high 30's and I finally made it to the top. The forecast for tomorrow is calling for the temperature to rise into the 50's. I think that might melt the remainder of the snow. Wow, this weather is crazy!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to All

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the valley celebrating Christmas a happy and joyous holiday. Merry Christmas to all and may peace prevail on earth!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Summer Santa in Woodland Valley

Paul Misko sent this image that he found. He thought that it looked liked what Santa might do if he came to visit WV during the summmer. I think he might be right.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday's Storm

Tommy Healy sent me these photos from the storm on Sunday. They really capture the feeling of how much snow we got over the weekend. Thanks for sending them Tommy!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Ended - For Now

Well, the storm has finally ended tonight. We got about 7 inches more in this last go round. I know it was really 2 separate systems but it felt like one big, long storm. As I told you in a previous post, we got about 9 inches on Friday and then about another 2 inches fell as flurries from Friday night into Saturday morning. We got another 7 today bringing the grand total to about 18 inches over the past 3 days. Of course, I am measuring this in my backyard at the top of the valley. The totals may be different depending on where you are but I don't think it really varied too much this time. Whatever way you slice it, we got a LOT of the powdery white stuff!! Welcome to winter in the Catskills!

Happy Hanukkah - Blessed Solstice

Tonight is the start of Hanukkah. I would like to extend warm holiday greetings to all the Jewish members of our community on this first day of the festival of lights. May you be blessed with everything warm and bright.

And for those in the community who celebrate the solstice, may your lives be filled with happiness and joy as you celebrate the return of the light.

NYState Thruway Webcams

I discovered completely by accident that the NYS Thruway has live webcams so that you can monitor traffic. Here is the link to the site You can click on the different cams to see what traffic conditions are at specific points all throughout the day. Of course this is not to say that they will be in the exact same condition by the time you reach that point but I thought this might be helpful to those folks that travel up and down from the city.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Made from Woodland Valley Wood

Here are a couple of Christmas gifts made by Paul Misko with Woodland Valley wood. The first box, (the one with the lid) is made from curly black maple, black cherry, sugar maple, curly apple wood, and hemlock. Nice work Paul!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Storm Total

The heavy snow has pretty much stopped falling and by my trusty snow ruler we got a total of 9 inches from this storm, not too bad (I think I am getting jaded). It is of the light and fluffy variety so moving it around hasn't been that hard, so that's good too. I haven't been out on WV road since this morning so I don't know if the road is slippery or not but the plows have been past numerous times pushing the snow around and sanding so I would imagine it is passable. Drive carefully anyway!

PS - The weather service is forecasting more snow for Sunday. Right now they are predicting an additional 7 inches or more. We'll see. As usual I will keep you posted.

Ms December - Cardi O'Conner

Woodland Valley's own Cardi O'Conner (pictured here with her cat Violet) has won the coveted Phoenicia Post Office "Customer of the Month" award for December. She is shamelessly lobbying to become "Customer of the Year" for 2008. Of course there are 11 other "Customers of the Month" vying for that same honor. Voting takes place between December 26th and December 31st. Everyone who is a postal customer is eligible to vote. So drop by the Post Office and make your voices heard in this critical election. (Ok, maybe it's not critical, but it's a lot of fun!!) And be careful, if you don't vote for Cardi she will send Violet to find you and torture you with her laser eyes.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Art of Miriam Rose

Here is a piece titled "Chinese Princess" by junior WCA member and young artist Miriam Rose (age 5). I would like to encourage the parents of all our junior WCA members to submit their drawings, paintings, writing or any other form of artwork to the blog so I can post them.

Storm Coming

For all those who plan to come to the valley for the weekend be advised that the National Weather Service is forecasting 7 to 14 inches to fall starting sometime tomorrow morning. I will keep you posted on the actual totals but may want to postpone any traveling until Saturday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Couple of Inches

The valley got about 2 inches of snow last night. Right now it is raining, turning everything into a heavy, wet, mess. Hopefully it won't all freeze overnight. Woodland Valley Road is slippery already. On my way back from a trip to town this morning there was a car off the road. Someone was already there pulling him out but my advice is to drive slowly and carefully.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa Tries to Relieve Stress

Doris Morehouse sent me these photos. She caught Santa in his inversion table trying to relieve some holiday stress. We all hope that Santa gets a little rest during this busy holiday season!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Well Problems?

Jean Druffner up on Grandview Acres is having well problems. She has had her water tested twice in the last few months and coliform bacteria were found even after chlorination. She was wondering if anyone else in the valley is experiencing the same problem or if it just an isolated case. If you have had well problems recently please email me here at and I will pass your message on to her.

- Carol Seitz

ZBA Meeting Next Wednesday Dec 17th

The Poncic water harvesting proposal will be on the agenda again at the next ZBA meeting. The board will continue to discuss whether water harvesting for non-potable purposes is related to water bottling. Here is the time and place of the meeting:

Zoning Board of Appeals
Wednesday December 17th, 2008
7:30 p.m.
Shandaken Town Hall

This is still not the a public hearing so the audience will not be allowed to comment but it would be good to let the board know that Woodland Valley cares deeply about this issue. So if you are up here and available that night please come and bear witness.

- Carol Seitz

Friday, December 12, 2008

No Ice Storm

How many times is the weather man/woman allowed to be wrong and still keep his/her job? It seems that I am wondering that a lot lately here in Woodland Valley. The ice storm that was predicted for the past couple of days didn't happen. Everything that has fallen so far has fallen as rain. We did get quite a lot of rain though so WV road is very wet but not icy. Of course this could change if the temperature drops during the day. So it would still be wise to take it easy coming up into the valley.

Craft Fair in Woodstock

I am participating in a small craft fair in Woodstock tomorrow Saturday, December 13th. Come by and pick up some gifts for the holidays.
- Carol Seitz

Local Artist Holiday Craft Fair

Saturday, December 13th
12-3 pm
At the Woodstock Mothership

Unique Gifts
Hand Made Items

Waldorf Inspired Dolls & Cradles
Tribal Belts
Gems & Minerals
And More…

The Mothership is located at 6 Hillcrest Ave-
off Tannery Brook Rd in Woodstock

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 Shandaken Ski Program

SUN. DEC. 14, 2008

The Town of Shandaken and Belleayre Ski Center are pleased to announce the 2008-2009 Ski Program - All residents of Shandaken are encouraged to participate!

The 2008-2009 ski program will kick-off on Sunday December 14, 2008 with a special one-day price for Shandaken residents only!!

You must attend the kick-off Sunday December 14 in the Lower Lodge (Tina Rice will be there all day) in order to sign-up for three special $25 ski dates, December 26, 29 & 30

Sign-up early - All participants must be signed up by January 1, 2009 to receive your own swipe card, loaded with 13 Sundays @ $20 per ticket for each Shandaken residents. Also included will be 13 Sunday swipes @ $25 for your guests to ski with you. No more standing in line and waiting. Sign/show up before January 1, 2009 and you will have your own swipe card to use at ANY counter where tickets are sold and get this deal. Another great feature…you can pay by credit card if you wish. Anyone who has not signed-up or shown up by January 1, 2009 will still be able to participate, but will have to be at the Lower Lodge on Sunday mornings between 8:30-10:00 to receive their tickets and will only be eligible to bring one guest for the season.
Remember: a group lesson is included with each ticket.

Sign up at the Lower Lodge to have your picture taken!

2008 Sunday Ski Dates
January - 4,11,18,25
February - 1,8,15,22
March - 8,15,22,29

Surprise! Wild Wednesday!
Like to ski during the week? Well you're in for a surprise! We will be skiing on Wednesdays starting January 7th, 2009 for the group rate of $25.00.

Equip Yourself
You are encouraged to provide your own equipment, but if you need to rent, here are some great deals, just mention you are with Shandaken Recreation.

Belleayre Mtn. Ski Shop
(@ the ski center)
$12 full-day skis, boots, poles
$21 full-day snowboard, boots

Jimmy’s Belleayre Ski Shop
(@the base of the mtn.)
$10 full-day, skis, boots, poles
$15 full-day snowboard, boots

Full-Season Rentals may be available, call the shop of your choice for info.

For more information call Tina Rice at (845) 688-2106

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Phoenicia Library Scrabble Night

This is to remind you that the first Thursday of every month is SCRABBLE night at the Phoenicia Library. The fun starts at 7 pm. Feel free to show up a little late, and don't worry if you don't have a board - they have all the boards and dictionaries they need. But they don't have all the players they need, so please join them if you can, and bring a friend as well. Mark it on your calendars now!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brigitte Engler in NYC Group Show

Here is a message from WCA member David Hershkovits.

Hi friends -- Brigitte has some pieces in a group show opening on Thursday. Should be fun. We'd love to see you there.
- David


December 11 - January 11, 2009
Opening Reception: Thursday, December 11, 6-9 pm

95 East 7th Street
New York, NY 10009
Basement (between 1st Avenue and Avenue A)
Lisa Bowman 203.952.9025
Laura Bloom 917.860.9869

Gallery Hours: Friday-Sunday 2-6 pm and by appointment

Sally Webster, Brigitte Engler, David Sandlin, Tom Burckhardt,
Mary Schepisi, Valerie Hammond, Nick Darmstaedter, Kembra Pfahler, Claudia Parducci, John Tottenham, Anne Hanavan, Gomez Bueno,
Lisa Bowman, Robert Hawkins, Ricardo Tarrega,Melora Griffis, Toxic, Walter Robinson, Charles Lahti, Kenny Thomas, David Pushkin,
Rich Colicchio, Mette Madsen, Richard Hell, Peter Alexander

aaron roses’s eye by sally webster

Monday, December 8, 2008

CMRR Holiday Train in Kingston

The Catskill Mountain Railroad has launched a Winter Holiday train ride in Kingston. The ribbon cutting and inaugural trip took place this past Saturday. Chairman of the CMRR (and WCA member) Harry Jameson, Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature, Dave Donaldson, President of the CMRR Earl Pardini, and Santa Claus (who looks strangely like another WCA member), among others, were all on hand to preside over the opening ceremonies. Trains will run over the next few weeks from the platform adjacent to the Kingston Plaza (near the Hannaford) on Aaron Court just off Westbrook Lane. Here is the schedule:

Fridays Hourly from 3pm - 7pm
Saturdays and Sundays Hourly from 1pm - 7 pm
December 12th through December 28th

Adults $6.00
Children 4 - 11 $4.00
Children 3 and under ride free

So if you find yourself holiday shopping in Kingston you might want to go for a ride!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December Deer de Bo

Here is another wonderful poem from WCA member Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard.

December Deer

We decorate in full measure around here for Christmas,
By WE I mean my wife. I carry, lift, and heft, and
Am occasionally asked if the wreath is straight or if the,
Ribbon is red enough. But she is the Wassail general, and I am,
A mere buck private in the readying for the 25th.

I am ordered to anchor eight ersatz deer,
Three metal ones in the back, held down by heavy rocks,
Three wooden white ones in front, anchored by wire and spikes,
So that the winter winds will not carry them off,
And two others of indiscriminate natural material.

This morning a fine, well meated yearling buck,
Came nonchalantly a-grazing on Ma’s remaining ferns,
And later as I drove up the high driveway,
There were three more deer in healthy winter coats,
Why, I wonder, should I do ersatz, when Nature provides the real?

Because, just because,
The ephemeral answer comes,
She Who Must Be Obeyed has commanded it,
A reminiscence of Christmas past requires it,
And a dollop of sweet love insists upon it.

December, 2008

A Slight Dusting

The valley got a wee bit of snow last night but it didn't amount to anything more than a dusting. The winds are supposed to start howling later on this evening. There is a high wind advisory in effect from 1:00 pm this afternoon until 4:00 am Monday morning. The temperatures are forcasted to drop to a low of 10˚ overnight. Brrrrrrr..........

Friday, December 5, 2008

Winter Sublet Available in WV

Here is a message from WCA member Cara Cruickshank.

$1000 / 2br - COMFY COZY COTTAGE: 2.5 hours from NYC! (Woodland Valley)


This property is the perfect setting to start that novel,compose that song, paint those watercolor miniatures, or just renew your resources after a long day of skiing and hiking.

Within earshot of the Esopus Creek, among the rolling hills of Woodland Valley, and only a 3 minute drive from the quaint village of Phoenicia, tranquility dominates the views seen from the plentiful windows of this charming cottage in the beautiful Catskill Mountains.

This 1 bedroom / 1 loft, and 2 bath cottage has a spacious open floor plan which includes a traditional kitchen with a large dining bar and a sprawling deck surrounded by 7 wooded acres complete with a meadow and large pond. Take in the beautiful mountain scenery from the full length windows. Walk out of the sliding doors in the living room and enjoy a warm drink under a starry sky, or a morning coffee as the sun rises. Snuggle up on the couch with a book and a fire in the wood stove.

In addition, there is a spacious living room, a charming skylit loft, and a master bedroom with a lovely silhouetted mountain view from your bed as you wake. Privately set on a quiet road, this comfortably furnished cottage
captures the essence of Hudson valley living. 15 minutes away from skiing at Belleayre Mountain or strolling through Woodstock, and within a 30-minute drive to Hunter Mountain, Saugerties, Rhinebeck, and Uptown Kingston. Local activities include sledding, skating snowshoeing, cross country skiing, hiking, wineries, boutiques, acclaimed restaurants, and a variety of music and cultural venues.

Rental includes: Cooking Utensils, Dishwasher, Washing Machine, Tumble Dryer,
TV, DVD Player, Heating, Kitchen, Claw Foot Tub, Wi-Fi, Fax, Printer, Phone, Garbage Removal.

Slide Show Link

Description Page Link

For more information or to set up a viewing, email:

All Clear In The Valley

Still no snow here in the valley. The storms that we have had over the last few days only brought rain. Yesterday's temperatures were in the 40's but the weather has gotten colder overnight. So who knows what the coming days will bring, but right now all is clear.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Free Christmas Events - December 14th

Shandaken Theatrical Society Presents
Christmas in Phoenicia
December 14, 2008

Train Rides with Santa leaving from the Empire State Railway Museum

The annual STS Christmas Show will be held on Sunday, Dec 14th at 12:00pm, in conjunction with the Catskill Mountain Railroad and the Empire State Railway Museum’s Santa Claus Train Rides. Admission is free and audience singing is encouraged. After the show, audience members can learn about the theater, visit with Santa (bring your own camera), and enjoy holiday refreshments baked by STS volunteers. Then head on over to the Old Phoenicia Train Station on Lower High Street for their free train rides with Santa Claus, live music, holiday cheer. Trains will run continuously between 1:00 and 5:00pm. While you are waiting for your train or when you get back, enjoy an old fashioned Christmas Party at the railway museum. The party is set to include fresh popcorn, cookies, and cider, several operating model electric trains, and live steam model trains. Please support this great day in Phoenicia with your presence.

Look for WCA members Lauren and Miriam Rose on stage at STS. Then join Dakin Morehouse, Tom Healy and Harry Jameson (also WCA members) over on the train.

See you there!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Butternut Trees

Here is a message from WCA member Paul Misko.

Rolf's great posting about Snyder Hollow mentioned the woman who had butternuts spread out to dry. The butternut tree was once more common in our valley, but now are quite rare here. The leaves and wood are similar to that of the black walnut tree, and it is even referred to as "blonde walnut". Most of them were harvested for its wood by one of the many mills in the valley many years ago. The wood is mostly used for furniture, and the nuts are edible, sweet, and sticky when harvested.
Records are kept of the largest trees of each species in both nationwide, and statewide categories, with the record breakers being referred to as "champion" trees. I've been trying to find the largest trees of each species in Woodland Valley and I think I have located a few record breakers. Here is a picture of a giant butternut tree I found while mapping bark roads one day. It comes close to the record for New York state. Where is it?.....All I'll say it that its in the upper end of our valley. If you find a bigger butternut, or a champion of another species, let us know.
Paul Misko

Some Snow, Mostly Rain

This last storm we had yesterday started out as snow and then changed to rain during the afternoon. It continued to rain late into the evening and gradually began to warm. This morning the temperature is in the high 30's. The little bit of snow that is left seems to be melting quickly. The highway department has done a good job of keeping WV road clear and so there should be no problems getting in and out of the valley.